Tajweed and its Importance – Online Quran Classes - Quran Recitation and Lessons


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Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Tajweed and its Importance – Online Quran Classes

Tajweed and its Importance

Allah says: “…recite the Qur’an with measured recitation.” (Quran 73:4). Tajweed is an essential part of Quran recitation. All Muslims who wish to recite the Quran must be aware of Tajweed rules. Tajweed enables believers to perfect their recitation of the Quran. This is done by educating Muslims about the articulation points and characteristics of Arabic letters.

In the initial days of Islam, Tajweed wasn’t a major focal point. Muslims were also Arabs and knew the rules of their language well. But, as Islam spread beyond Arabia to countries with other languages, the need for Tajweed became apparent. Hence, the rules of Tajweed were systematically formulated.

Nowadays, there are many more non-Arab Muslims than there are Arab Muslims. Even in Arabic-speaking countries, there has been a dilution of the language. Thus, most Muslims need to know at least the basics of Tajweed to recite the Quran properly.

Online Quran academies are excellent outlets for people wanting to learn Tajweed. Studying online provides teachers and students with a lot of convenience and options. Tajweed courses are a significant part of online Quran classes. Specialized teachers take up the responsibility of transferring their knowledge about Tajweed.

Tajweed and articulation points of letters
Tajweed and articulation
Arabic letters have a makhraj, i.e., articulation point. This is where letters originate from. Letters originate from a variety of places, ranging from the throat to the tongue, to the lips. Many letters originate from a similar articulation point. Tajweed helps students to differentiate between the different articulation points. This enables them to pronounce Arabic letters correctly.

Tajweed and letters’ characteristics

Arabic letters also have siffaat, i.e., characteristics. These characteristics may be amongst the original characteristics of the letter. These original ones are intrinsic siffaat and don’t change. Other siffaat are those that are dependent on the placement of the letter within a word. So, they may relate to other letters before or after them. In Quran recitation, this will also help a person to understand how to smoothen out their recital by applying the correct rules at the right times.

One of the standard rules of Tajweed that most Quran reciters will be aware of is the Idghaam. The application of this occurs when Noon Sakinah or Tanween is succeeded by a letter of the Idghaam. If this occurs, then the sound of the “Noon” must be merged into the next letters. Different levels of the Idghaam exist, with and without nasalization.

The levels of mistakes with Tajweed
There are different levels of errors that people commit while reciting the Quran. Some of the errors are obvious and can be recognized by any Muslim with knowledge of Tajweed. These are the mistakes that stand out.
However, some mistakes are a level deeper. Only trained Tajweed teachers and tutors can recognize them. These mistakes are hidden from the layman, but a qualified teacher can expose them due to his expertise and training. Hence, it is essential to learn Tajweed with a skilled teacher.

Learn the Quran with Tajweed

Learn the Quran

The most practical way of learning about Tajweed is via Online Quran Academies. This is a suitable method of learning the Quran online for children and adults. Studying online provides one with a lot of flexibility and convenience.
Online Quran Academy has a dedicated course for learning Tajweed. Skilled and experienced teachers are available and ready to teach you or your child about this noble science. One-on-one online classes are amongst the most stimulating methods for anyone wanting to learn.

Register at Online Quran Academy now to perfect your recitation of the Quran. You’ll get a free one-week trial, which will help to alleviate any concerns you may have. Start this journey now to please Allah – and have confidence in us! By the will of Allah, we will have you perfecting your recitation of the Quran in a short period.

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