Qibla Compass and Modern Technology – How to find the Direction of the Kaaba - Quran Recitation and Lessons


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Friday, March 20, 2020

Qibla Compass and Modern Technology – How to find the Direction of the Kaaba

The Kaaba is a cube-shaped building in Makkah that Muslims pray towards. It is situated in Masjid al-Haram, which is the name of the enclosure that contains the KaabaQibla is an Islamic term for this location. The more than one billion Muslims turn towards the Kaaba when they offer salah/namaz/prayer.
 How to find the Direction of the Kaaba
“We will surely turn you to a qiblah with which you will be pleased. So turn your face toward al-Masjid al-Haram. And wherever you [believers] are, turn your faces toward it [in prayer]...” (Quran 2:149). The incident of the changing of the Qibla happened in the 2nd year after the Hijrah. Before that, Muslims prayed towards the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. However, Allah has designated the Kaaba as the Qibla until the end of time.
Astronomers and mathematicians have developed methods to calculate the Qibla in the centuries gone by. However, Muslims are now at an advantage due to advances made by technology. In the 21st century, finding the Qibla is easier than ever, especially in the era of the internet and smartphones.
 Modern Technology

Using a Qibla compass to find the direction of the Kaaba

direction of the Qibla and Qibla compasses
The exact location of the Kaaba is 21.4225° N, 39.8262° E. These values are then compared to a person’s exact location, and the direction is determined. Qibla compasses contain the typical values that are seen on everyday compasses, but they have an additional pointer showing the direction of the Qibla. Prior to the technological age, Qibla compasses were the easiest method of knowing the direction of the location of the Kaaba.
 location of the Kaaba

Modern technological methods to find the Qibla

degrees and direction
Access to the internet has made finding the Qibla very easy. If you have access to a computer with internet access, you can determine the direction of the Kaaba quickly. Various websites will show you the number of degrees and direction to turn to. Then, you can use a standard compass to determine the correct Qibla.
location and compare
The more modern and most widely used method nowadays is courtesy smartphones. These phones come with GPS (Global Positioning System) technology that can determine your exact position. Thus, phones can detect your location and compare it with the Kaaba and calculate the direction you need to pray in. 
Phones are also capable of ‘pointing’ in directions. This is due to technology that can measure the movement and tilting of a phone. Therefore, all you need to do is to lay the phone on a flat surface, and you will get to know the exact direction of the Qibla.
There are several apps for phones that serve the purpose. Some of them specifically have Qibla in their name. However, many Islamic apps for other purposes (calendar, adhan, etc.) also have Qibla finders built-in. Therefore, finding the Qibla in The 2020s usually takes a couple of taps on your phone screen.
GPS (Global Positioning System) technology

What about travelers and people who aren’t on land?

If someone is flying by airplane or is out at sea on a ship/boat, they can determine the Qiblah via the usual methods. However, it is problematic when the means of transport are not stable in one direction and keeps turning. In such cases, Muslims should try to turn; however, that may not be practical, especially on planes. In these situations, believers can pray however they are able to. However, if the journey will finish before the end of the prayer time, it is best to delay it. And Allah knows best.
travelers and people

Is it required to face the exact location of the Qiblah?

pray towards the Qiblah
At certain times, hardship may afflict a Muslim where it’s not possible for him or her to determine the direction to pray in. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “What is between the east and the west is Qiblah.” (Jami at-Tirmidhi). This was due to the limitations of that time when the exact location of the Qiblah wasn’t easy to judge. Therefore, in hardships and unusual situations, we should do our best and pray to Allah to accept our deeds. However, whenever we can, we must try to pray towards the Qiblah – A task simplified due to technology, by Allah’s Grace.
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