12 The reason why we should read the Holy Quran - Quran Recitation and Lessons


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Monday, December 23, 2019

12 The reason why we should read the Holy Quran

why we should read the Holy Quran

No doubt Islam is the complete code of life. Islam drives its teaching from the Quran. Without reading and understanding the Quran we can neither become true Muslims nor good humans. Quran is the book of Allah Almighty; it cannot be touched without performing ablution, nor can it be recited without Tajweed (the set of rules on how to recite Quranic Arabic). Moreover, there are multiple benefits to read the holy Quran. Reading Quran we come to know what Allah Almighty demands from us. Also, we come to know about our rights and responsibility as Muslims.

Reasons why do we read the Quran

·         We read the Quran because the Holy Quran is the basic source of Islamic teachings. Reading the Quran and Hadith (it interprets the Quran) we learn about the principles of Islam.
·         Reading the Quran, we connect to Allah Almighty. We come to know how to please Allah.
·         We read and learn the Quran to drive Islamic laws to establish peace and justice in the Islamic society.
·         Reading the Holy Quran we learn about the history of a human being. Quran tells the true tales of the nations who obeyed the commands of Allah and were rewarded very well. Not only do we find the tales of blessed people in the Holy Quran but also we come to know about those who aroused Allah’s anger and were severely punished.
·         We read the Quran because our beloved Prophet (SAW) says that the Quran will intercede for us on the Day of Judgment if we recite the Holy Quran regularly.
·         We read the Quran to learn it by heart as the Prophet (SAW) says that the man who has nothing of the Quran inside him is like a ruined house.
·         We read the Quran to remember Allah Almighty and Allah has said that you find contentment of heart by remembering Allah Almighty.
·         We read the Quran to ward off evils and vices. The verses (Ayah) of the Quran protect us from the attack of Satan and we remain under Allah’s safe custody.
·         When we read the Quran Allah records ten virtues for reciting each word of the Holy Quran. The virtues will be measured on the Day of Judgment; those whom virtues will be heavier than the vices will be allowed to step into paradise.
·         Reading Quran we rectify our deficient beliefs; we come to know what Allah says about Tauheed (oneness of Allah). Verily, Allah is worthy of worship and none other. 
·         We read the holy Quran to gain knowledge and wisdom.
·         Deeply reading the Quran in the context of Islamic history we come to know that we don’t find in our course books due to certain reasons.
·         Reading the Quran we bring about self-accountability. We judge our way of living on the standards Allah has set and expressed in detail in the Holy Quran.


Quran is the basic source of Islamic teaching; putting aside the Quran we astray from the right path. Being Muslims it is our first and foremost duty to read Quran daily to understand what Allah asks us to do. 

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