Thursday, May 7, 2020

Learn Quran Online Live Classes with Qualified Tutors

How can I learn the Quran Quickly?

Recite the entire passage out loud to get a sense for the rhythm.

  • Avoid splitting a single ayah into parts.
  • Focus on the meaning of the words instead of the sounds alone to make memorizing easier. 
  • Most ayahs are pretty short and are divided in a way that makes memorization easy.

How many letters are in the Quran?

320,015 letters

As for how many letters the Quran contains, as the people who have answered before I have mentioned: Ibn Katheer reported in his 'Tafseer' that Mujahid said: "This is the number of the letters of the Qur'an as we counted them: 320,015 letters (three hundred and twenty thousand and fifteen letters).”

Can you learn Quran by yourself?

Unfortunately no! Reading the Quran is not like reading a simple book or newspaper. ... Ibn Abbas (RA) reports that the prophet (PBUH) said, "Jibril taught me at first to recite the Quran following one" the letter "(Harf).

What are the benefits of the Quran?

Quran memorization might be viewed as a testimony of faith by the Muslims, and the higher the memorization, the greater the psychological boost it produces to their belief, which includes a sense of happiness, contentment, and a positive attitude.
 Learn Quran Online

What is Tajweed ul Quran?

The word “Tajweed” means to improve, to do better. Tajweed of the Holy Quran is the knowledge and application of the rules of recitation, so the reading of the Quran is as recited by our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Mercy of Allah be upon him).

What is Tajweed in Islam?

The Arabic word Tajweed linguistically means “proficiency” or “doing something well”. It comes from the same root letters as the word Jayyid, which means “good”. ... The Qur'an was revealed with Tajweed rules applied to it

How do I learn Tajweed?

Tajweed can only learn Quran Online with a qualified teacher. The rules themselves can be studied independently, but their correct application can only be done by listening to, reciting to, and being corrected by, a qualified teacher of the Qur'an.

Who invented tajweed?

Abu Ubaid al-Qasim bin Salam

Abu Ubaid al-Qasim bin Salam (774 - 838 CE) was the first to develop a recorded science for tajwid, giving the rules of tajwid names and putting it into writing in his book called al-Qiraat. He wrote about 25 reciters, including the 7 mutawatir reciters.

What are Tajweed rules of the Quran?

In the context of the recitation of the Quran, tajwīd (Arabic: تَجْوِيدْ‎ tajwīd, IPA: [tædʒˈwiːd], 'elocution') is a set of rules for the correct pronunciation of the letters with all their qualities and applying the various traditional methods of recitation (Qira'at).

What happens if you memorize the Quran?

Since the Quran is the word of Allah Almighty, when you memorize it, this will be the best you ever have done! Memorizing the Quran will open all the doors of good for you. Memorizing the Quran means that you will obtain ten good deeds for each letter!

How can I memorize faster?

There are a number of ways to train your brain to memorize things faster and optimize learning.

  •   Exercise to clear your head. ...
  •  Write down what needs to be memorized over and over. ...
  •  Do yoga. 
  •  Study or practice in the afternoon. ...
  •  Relate new things to what you already know. ...
  •  Stay away from multitasking.

How can I recite the Quran fluently?

Here are few things to practice and be fluent In-Shaa-Allah.

  • Get a good Quran Teacher Online or locally.
  • The teacher must be associated with an institute.
  • Practice recitation and revise daily with your teacher.
  • Listen to any famous Qari you like for the same lessons.
  • Be regular in your Quran Classes.

How can I memorize a lot of information?

How to Memorize More and Faster Than Other People

  • Step 1: Preparation
  • Step 2: Record What You're Memorizing.
  • Step 3: Write Everything Down.
  • Step 4: Section Your Notes.
  • Step 5: Apply Repetition to Cumulative Memorization. ...
  • Step 6: Write It Down from Memory. ...
  • Step 7: Teach It to Someone (Or Yourself) 
  • Step 8: Listen to the Recordings Continuously.

Can I read the Quran in English?

Reading the Quran in Classical Arabic will not magically make you understand it's contents. It would likely raise more questions about contexts and other fairly opaque verses.

How can I read the Quran without mistakes?

       1.     You need to get a teacher, who will supervise your recitation.                                     2.    Listen to a good and slow reciter the verse.
 3.    To make no.
 4.    Read from a clear and bold mushaf (copy of the Qur'an).
 5.    Whenever you try to read, make sure your eyes are focused on the mushaf.



  1. Alim Live provides Online Quran classes for kids as well as adult.We have expert and qualified teacher who spent their whole lives in learning and teaching the quran.

  2. arabic and quran classes online
    Tajweed rules are something that you can’t overlook and knowing about what these rules are all about is important to keep the momentum going. Online Quran tutors have command over Arabic words that are lengthy and take time to pronounce. They train every student with much-needed rhythmic tones, patterns, and flow
    online quran classes for kids

  3. free quran memorization course

    As a goal for many muslims, memorizing the koran is a process that requires dedication, consistency and establishing a daily habit to memorize the Quran. Our team of expert Quran tutors who are hafiz of the Quran will help you and guide you to learn the Quran in the best way. This Quran memorization course is well organized to help you finish memorizing the whole Quran in an easy way.
    for more............

    tajweed for kids

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    quran school for adults
    alif quran


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