Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Benefits Of Reading Surah Al Waqiah

Surah Waqiah

What is Surah Waqiah read for?

Protection against Poverty

Surah Waqiah protects against poverty as our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH said that no person in Ummah should taste poverty if he recites this Surah every night. This Surah does not take more than 5 minutes to recite the rewards yet are so big SubhanAllah!

What Para is Surah Waqiah?

Surah Al Waqiah - Verse 1-96 (Para 27)

What does Waqiah mean?

Waqiah means the day of judgment or judgment day.

Benefits of Surah Waqia

What is the meaning of Surah Waqiah?


الواقعة Al-Wāqiʻah The Event

Arabic text English translation

Classification Meccan

Other names The Event, The Inevitable

Position Juz' 27


The Hadith mentions ‘Surah Waqi’ah will become protection from poverty for the one

who recites it every night.’

What are the benefits of reciting Surah Waqiah?

"Surah Waqiah is the Surah of Wealth, so recite it and teach it to your children." So from the above hadith, it is cleared that Surah Waqiah is a blessing for the entire Muslim Ummah. The world we living in today is full of tension, stress, and worry. Most of our troubles are finance-related instability

When should you read Surah Waqiah?

The best time to read Surah al Waqiah is before sleeping. It is advised to take out some time and recite Surah Waqiah before sleeping, which is a great Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the ultimate source of wealth.

How many ayats are there in Surah Waqiah?

Muslims believe it was revealed in Mecca (see Meccan surah), specifically around 7 years before the Hegira (622), the migration of Muhammad to Medina. The total number of verses in this surah is 96. It mainly discusses the afterlife according to Islam, and the different fates people will face in it.

Where is Surah Waqiah in the Quran?

Al-Waqi'a (Arabic: سورة الواقعة‎; Sūrat al-Wāqiʻah; "The Inevitable" or "The Event") is the 56th surah (chapter) of the Quran. Muslims believe it was revealed in Mecca (see Meccan surah), specifically around 7 years before the Hegira (622), the migration of Muhammad to Medina.

Surah Waqia


Surah Waqiah is also commonly termed as the Surah of Wealth. In the Islamic religion. evidence from Muslim scholars exists that reciting verses of this beautiful surah brings about an abundance of benefits. In Islam, there is a Hadith that states that the Holy Prophet PBUH once stated. “Whoever recites the Surah Al Waqiah at night, they would never encounter poverty.”

When should believers indulge in reading the powerful Surah Waqiah?

The consideration of the recitation of Surah Waqiah into a Muslim believer’s life can truly make a huge difference in terms of wealth and finances. With only a few minutes to spare, believers can attain the Great Benefits that this surah provides. It is recommended to recite this surah before sleeping. This can be proven by the following Hadith of the Holy Prophet PBUH. “Whoever recites Surah Al Waqiah at night would never encounter poverty.”

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