Thursday, February 20, 2020

Seven Benefits of Reciting the Glorious Quran

Quran recitation is a noble act of worship in Islam. The Holy Book is the uncreated Word of Allah, revealed as a message aimed at all of mankind. Man was repeatedly challenged by Allah to produce anything of a similar caliber. Ultimately, all attempts to replicate any aspect of it failed miserably, serving as ample proof of its miraculous nature.

The Quran provides us with all the fundamental teachings of our Deen. One cannot succeed in the Dunya or the Akhirah (Hereafter) without giving the Holy Book its due rights. Muslims are required to reflect thoughtfully upon its meanings and act upon all of its teachings.
The study of Allah's word can be done in person with a teacher, or one can learn Quran online. Thus, there is no shortage of methods for acquiring knowledge of the Holy Book. Moreover, there are a large variety of benefits and rewards in store for us, as far as Quran reading is concerned. 

The Quran can be a Proof in our favor on the Day of Judgement

According to a Hadeeth (Saheeh Muslim), the Quran will either support us or oppose us on the last day. We all wish to avoid having the Holy Book stand against us on that all-important day. It is equally crucial for us to have Allah's book testify in our favor. After all, the Day of Reckoning is the ultimate test in our quest to attain Jannah.
This is an excellent incentive for Muslims to ensure that they do justice to the Quran. This can be achieved by reciting it regularly, following all the rules of Tajweed (rules of recitation), studying it in-depth, and devoting time to reflect upon its meanings. Furthermore, we must abide by its laws and live our lives according to its instructions.

Benefits of Reciting Quran

We receive ten rewards for each Quranic letter that is read

For each letter that we read from the Quran, we receive no fewer than ten rewards (At-Tirmidhi). This is another of Allah’s uncountable blessings, granting us ease in our religion, by virtue of His generosity. Not only is our reward multiplied ten-fold, but we are rewarded for each individual letter. 
Therefore, the Quran is a tremendous source of good deeds. We can accumulate Sawab (reward) in the thousands regularly, provided we maintain frequent recitation of the Holy Book.

Those who struggle and stammer during recitation receive Double Reward

People blessed with the ability to recite the Quran beautifully, in a correct manner, will have angels for company. However, those who are not naturally gifted when it comes to Qirat (recitation) receive double the reward. (Sahih Al-Bukhari).
Reciters who struggle and strive for Allah’s sake, despite being less gifted, inevitably have to make an extra effort. Hence, one’s stuttering, stammering, and lack of skill concerning Qirat should not deter him from Quran recitation. On the contrary, he should remain committed to reciting the Holy Book to the best of his ability, embracing it as a test from Allah for which he is handsomely rewarded.

The blessing of double sawab can be of particular motivation and reassurance to those non-Arabs who have difficulty reciting. Indeed, Allah revealed the Quran for all of mankind, not just the Arabs, and Islam is a universal religion.

The Quran’s healing abilities are mentioned in Surah Al-Isra. This includes the performance of a Ruqyah, in which we recite Surah Al-Fatiha, Ayat Al-Kursi, and the three “Quls” (Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas). There is also a Ruqyah performed by reciting the last two Surahs (Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas) known as Al-Mu’awwidhatayn.

Recitation of the Quran lifts our status in this life

During the caliphate of Umar (RA), a freed slave named Ibn Abzaa was placed in charge of Makkah. Umar (RA) explained the reason for such an honorable position being awarded to a freed slave. He was chosen to govern Makkah due to being a reciter of Al-Quran, who possessed sound knowledge of Islam.

Umar RA went on to quote the pertinent saying of the Prophet (PBUH), in which he stated that Allah raises some and lowers others by the Quran (Saheeh Muslim). Furthermore, the person best qualified to lead others in prayer (Imam) is the one with the most Quranic knowledge.

Reciting and pondering over the Quran completes a religious duty

Our duty to the Holy Book involves various aspects. We should read it frequently, acquiring knowledge of Tajweed and applying all its rules in our recitation. Apart from mastering Tajweed, we must also seek to recite in a melodious manner.

We should strive to gain knowledge of Tafseer (exegesis) and the Asbab an-Nuzool (reasons for revelation), to build our understanding of the contexts and profound meanings of Quranic verses. Also, we are to always wholeheartedly affirm that it is the ultimate truth, giving us comprehensive guidance.

Muslims have to believe and testify that the Holy Book is Allah’s Word, flawless, and uncreated. It ought to be staunchly defended from those who attack it, perpetuating falsehood. We are also required to oppose those who seek to distort and modify its perfect meanings and principles.
We are obliged to honor the Glorious Quran by living our lives according to its commands and restrictions. Believers should master their recitation, memorize the Quran, and teach it to others. Indeed, the Prophet (PBUH) said that the best Muslims are those who learn and teach the Quran (Al-Bukhari). In this way, we play our part in the preservation of Allah's word in the hearts of Muslims.

The Quran will intercede for us on the Day of Judgment

The Holy Book will intercede in favor of its noble reciters on the Last Day. Furthermore, the Huffaz (memorizers of the Quran) will be awarded crowns and garments of honor (At-Tirmidhi). The parents of reciters, who learn the Quran and follow its rules, will be granted a crown of light. They will also be rewarded with garments superior to everything in the world (Al-Haakim).

Shaykh Ibn Jibreen said: “Those who read the Qur’an throughout the year are the people of the Qur’an, who are Allah’s own people and the closest to Him.” There is an abundance of options for Muslims wishing to gain Quranic knowledge. One can avail Quran recitation’s numerous benefits by learning the traditional way, attending a Quran academy, or learning Quran online with ease. We have absolutely no excuse for falling short in our commitment to the Noble Quran.

1 comment:

  1. islam media free
    Du’a is one of the strongest weapons every Muslim believer has, especially for parent towards their children. All Muslims believe that nothing happens except if Allah permits it and Allah is capable of making all things possible. To make supplications, the first thing you need to do is make sure that you intentions are pure, and remember that everything you do should always be for the sake of Allah. Also you are to remind yourself of the virtues of the Quran in order to stay focused on your goals.
    kids reading quran


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