Monday, February 24, 2020

Improve Your Knowledge Of The Quran By Taking Online Quran Classes

Join Online Quran Classes

"Recite in the name of your Lord who created – Created man from a clinging substance. 
Recite, and your Lord is the Most Generous – Who taught by the pen – Taught man that which he knew not.” (Quran 96:1-5). These were the first verses of the Quran to be revealed to the Prophet (PBUH). The angel Jibrail (a.s.) urged the Prophet (PBUH) to read the verses of the Quran that he was narrating.

The Quran is the most significant book in the whole world. It contains a wealth of guidance for Muslims. An immense amount of information about past prophets and different nations is contained in it. It also contains laws about many different parts of human life. The Quran details our responsibilities towards Allah, the almighty.

Online Quran Academies are an excellent way for Muslims to gain knowledge about the Quran. They provide you with the option of learning from home. Qualified and skilled teachers guide you through the course of your choice. No matter where you may be in the world, you can take Online Quran classes to improve your knowledge of the Glorious Quran.

Online Quran classes at Online Quran Academy

Online Quran Academy

Online Quran Academy caters to a wide variety of learners. Whether they may be beginners or intermediate learners, there are courses designed especially for their required level.

The first and most basic class for beginners is the Quran reading course. This course is designed for beginners who may not even recognize the letters of the Arabic alphabet. Students will learn how to recognize and read Arabic letters, eventually reading the Quran.

Another class for beginners is the Arabic course. This is similar to the Quran reading course, but more emphasis is put on the understanding of Arabic. Students learn Arabic vocabulary besides learning how to read the Quran. Learners will be able to form Arabic sentences.

A class for more intermediate learners is the Tajweedand Tarteel course. Students should know how to read the Quran previously. The emphasis of the class will be on perfecting recitation of the Quran. This will be achieved through the proper understanding of the characteristics of Arabic letters.

The next class contains the Quran memorization course. This is designed to help students who already know Arabic to learn how to memorize the Quran. Teachers take students through the intensive process of memorization, with their expertise and guidance.

The Quran translation course is another class for more advanced learners. The focus of this course is to enable the student to understand the meanings of the Quran. Word-by-word translation is also offered. Students will develop a good understanding of the meaning of the Holy Book.

An additional class contains the basic Islamic education course. In this class, students get to know some of the basic things in Islam. The five daily prayers and six articles of faith are among the points of focus. Students are encouraged to memorize short surahs and sunnah duas.

Benefits of taking online Quran classes

Taking online Quran classes eliminates the need for students to travel distances to get to a Quran center or mosque. This ensures convenience and affordability for students.
Online Quran Academies have high standards for their teachers. Tutors are well-trained and qualified and know the latest techniques to help their students to learn about the Quran.

Online Quran classes contain one-on-one lessons between teacher and student. This is rarely the case with Quran centers and mosques, where lessons are held in groups. 1-on-1 lessons help students to progress faster as students are taught individually.

Start learning Quran online today

Online Quran Academy has skilled and certified tutors to help you in every branch of Quran learning. You get to choose the time that you prefer at any point in the day. Online Quran Academy’s tutors are available 24/7.

Hence, sign up and start today. You’ll get a free one-week trial, which will help you see how Online Quran Academy functions. You won’t find many disadvantages, but you will see a number of upsides. Learn Quran online now and fulfill your obligation to Allah.

Register Now for Quran Classess


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