Friday, October 2, 2020

Perfecting the Tahajjud Pyarer (Night Prayer)


Perfecting the Tahajjud  Pyarer (Night Prayer)
Perfecting the Tahajjud  Pyarer (Night Prayer) 

Allah informed us in a Hadith Qudsi that Muslims can become closer to Him by performing voluntary acts of worship. These enable us to earn Allah’s love. There are several mandatory acts of worship that we must perform, including the five pillars, such as uttering shahadah, offering the five daily prayers, giving annual zakat, fasting in Ramadan, and performing pilgrimage once. After all of these actions, one of the most blessed voluntary acts of worship we can do it to offer Tahajjud.

Also known at Qiyam-ul-Layl and Night Prayer, Tahajjud is something that the Prophet (PBUH) performed often. He would do so until his feet were swollen. We also know through Hadith that Allah comes to the lowest heaven during the last third of every night. As He does this, He asked believers to remember Him. He answers duas and prayers during this time and blesses people asking for forgiveness.

The Timing for Tahajjud

We can pray Tahajjud between the time of Isha and the break of dawn. Hence, that is a reasonably lengthy period during which we can offer this voluntary act. However, the best time to offer this prayer is during the last third of the night when Allah descends to the lowest heaven.

We can Pray Tahajjud any time after Isha. However, the ideal time is during the last third of the night. Additionally, we can stay up and pray during the night. But the more rewarding deed is to go to sleep, and then wake up to offer Tahajjud.

Tahajjud any time after Isha

How Many Rakat?

During Tahajjud, we should offer two rakats at a time. If we want to pray eight rakats, it should be two, two, two, and two. The most common method is to offer 11 rakats in total, which is what Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) did. He offered eight for Tahajjud, and then performed the three rakats of witr.

However, you can pray more or less than that. As little as two rakats are enough to serve the purpose. Moreover, we should delay praying witr with Isha when we intend to pray Tahajjud. This is because the most ideal method is to make witr the last prayer we offer and to say it after Tahajjud.

How to Perform Tahajjud Prayer

How To Pray Tahajjud

The method for offering Tahajjud namaz or salah is relatively simple. It is the same as offering any other two rakats. You begin by standing in a clean place that is fit for praying. First, you make the intention of the prayer. This intention is in your heart, and you don’t say it out loud.

You begin by saying Allahu Akbar, raise the hands to the earlobes, and start. Place your hands on the chest. Recite the sana (opening dua), then recite Surah al-Fatiha. After this, you can recite a short surah, then bow down and perform ruku. After that, stand, and then prostrate in sujood (sajdah). Sit up and perform a second sajda.

After this, you stand up and offer another Rakat. When you’re done with the second sujood, you sit in the position of Qaida/Jalsa. You then recite Tashahud, Durood-e-Ibrahim, and a few other duas. Then, you offer Taslim (Assalamu alaikum Wa Rahmatullah). With this, you have completed two Rakats of Tahajjud prayer.

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