Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Why Should You Enroll For Online Quran Classes

Why Should You Enroll For Online Quran Classes

Since the advent of globalization, the world is changing. To be specific, secular ideologies are flourishing, even in religious countries. This phenomenon is often seen with people who are following different religions, but failing to act according to them; thus, the importance of the Quran.

The Quran has always been the cornerstone of a Muslim’s religious life. However, it is something that we dearly need to hold on to in the current climate more than ever. Therefore, it’s important for Muslims in all parts of the world to know the Quran and regularly recite it for Allah’s blessings.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 5027). The qualifier of “best among Muslims” clearly shows the great virtues attached to this noble task.

Online Quran classes are the most popular of learning about the Quran in the technological age. Due to widespread internet and computer access, it is the preferred choice for many. Combine that with the many advantages of studying online versus other methods, and it’s easy to see why so many people pursue online learning. Here, we will look at some of the reasons why online classes are so popular.

A wealth of Quran Teachers

When a Muslim goes to a mosque or institution to study, they will often find a limited number of teachers. Similarly, it may be challenging to find female teachers for teaching girls. This makes it challenging for parents as they have limited options to pursue.

When you’re learning Quran online, the Quran Academy that you will study at will usually have various options when it comes to Quran tutors. Due to the high demand and competition, online institutions generally have several available tutors. Since a lot of girls also take classes, many female teachers are frequently available at

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The standard of the tutors is also mostly higher than what you will see at local mosques. This is due to the high level of competition for online learning. Due to this, online institutions have rigorous recruitment methods. As a result, teachers are hired based on their competency and knowledge.

A concern some parents may have about tutors is that sometimes, they choose to hit kids and try to coerce them into learning the Quran. This won’t be a factor while studying online; regardless, online teachers are rigorously vetted before being hired.

The convenience and affordability of studying online

The convenience and affordability of studying online

The biggest attraction of the online learning format is the convenience it offers. With traditional classes, there is usually traveling involved for both teachers and students. This takes time and effort unless one is situated close to the place of learning.

With online Quran lessons, this limitation is eliminated. The student only requires a computer or smart device and internet access, along with Skype, etc. This saves a lot of time, which can then be better spent on more classes or other activities.

The added benefits of reduced travel and time spent means that money is saved. Often, this will also result in fees for classes being lower. You are likely to get better value for money while studying online.

One significant advantage and disadvantage of studying Quran online

The most standard method of gaining knowledge in mosques and other institutions is with Quran classes. Generally, several students attend each class. A teacher oversees the whole class and devotes a few minutes per student while focusing on the class as a whole.

When you opt to study online, your Quran tutor will teach you one-on-one. Thus, the tutor will be devoted entirely to one student at a time and has the luxury of focusing on that student’s improvement, rather than having to focus on several kids simultaneously.

However, a significant drawback of studying online is that it can’t offer the same atmosphere for a student as with Quran classes in a mosque. Going to a mosque itself is a rewarding act. Studying at a mosque is beneficial as the atmosphere in a mosque is just right for learning. This is why mosques have been a place of learning for Muslims since the time of the Prophet (PBUH).

In comparison, online learning doesn’t require quite the same level of discipline on the part of the student. Students may even attend lessons in a lax manner, slumped on a bed, etc. This isn’t ideal for a topic as serious as studying the Holy Quran.

Variety of classes

When you study online at the Quran Academy, you will typically be given various options regarding what you want to study with the online tutors. Classes and courses are designed, keeping different requirements in mind. Some students will need to learn right from the basics, while others may already have progressed to a more advanced level.

Online Quran academies usually offer lessons for beginners, starting with learning the basics of Arabic. Eventually, a person with no prior knowledge of Arabic will be reading the Quran. Tajweed rules are taught in detail, while tarteel is also focused on. All this helps a student to go from not knowing anything about the Quran, to a good level of recitation. Eventually, Quran memorization techniques are also focused on.

With that said, recital of the Holy Book isn’t the only focus of Quran academies. Comprehension of the Quran is also taken into account via courses for Quran translation. This is ideal for someone who wants to get a deeper knowledge of Arabic. Word by word translation will help break down the Quranic language for learners.

Finally, basic Islamic education is also offered. Allah’s word isn’t learned just for the recital, but for us to implement in our daily lives. To do that, we need to know about Islam. This will enable the student to develop a genuine interest in the content of the Holy Book. Then, he will always remember the importance of the Quran and not neglect it.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “The example of the person who knows the Qur'an by heart is like the owner of tied camels. If he keeps them tied, he will control them, but if he releases them, they will run away.” (Sahih al-Bukhari 5031)


The Prophet (PBUH) said, “When Allah wishes good for someone, He bestows upon him the understanding of Deen.” (Sahih al-Bukhari and Muslim). The Quran is the cornerstone of all Islamic knowledge. It is essential for Muslims to start learning about it from a young age. Parents must take the initiative and enroll their children in the most beneficial programs to help their development.

With the way the world is headed, it’s now more important than ever for Muslims to know about Islam. Ignorance of Islam is on the rise, even amongst Muslims. Many Muslims are now Muslims in name only, disregarding things like the five daily prayers. 

It is up to us to try and stop that slide. It’s for the betterment of the Muslim community as a whole and us on a personal level as well for more info 

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