Friday, April 3, 2020

Benefits and Virtues of Surah Waqiah - Read and Listen Online

What does Surah Al Waqiah mean?

Al-Waqi'a (Arabic: سورة الواقعة‎; Sūrat al-Wāqiʻah; "The Inevitable" or "The Event") is the 56th surah (chapter) of the Quran. ... The total number of verses in this surah are 96. It mainly discusses the afterlife according to Islam, and the different fates people will face in it

In which para is Surah Waqiah?

Surah Al Waqiah - Verse 1-96 (Para 27)
Surah Al Waqiah - Verse 1-96 (Para 27) Surah Al Waqiah - Verse 1-96 (Para 27)

When should we recite Surah Waqiah?

The best time to read Surah Waqiah is before sleeping. It is advised to take out some time and recite Surah Waqiah before sleeping, which is a great Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH and ultimate source of wealth

What is Surah Waqiah good for?

The surah has been known to provide good means of attaining financial stability for those who wish to seek the lawful earnings and bounty from their Lord ALLAH. The Holy Prophet PBUH, as mentioned previously has declared. Surah Waqiah as providing great protection against.

When should we recite Surah Waqiah?

The best time to read Surah Waqiah is before sleeping. It is advised to take out some time and recite Surah Waqiah before sleeping, which is a great Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH and ultimate source of wealth

Reading Surat Al-Waqiah Every Night Won’t Make Me Poor: Correct?

In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.Whatever the authenticity or otherwise of this Hadith may be, reading Surat al-Waqiah or even a verse of it is a meritorious act that yields a great reward Allah alone can estimate.
                                             Listen Surah Waqiah

                              Read Surah Waqiah Online

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