Wednesday, March 11, 2020

The Importance of Quran Teaching for Muslims

Quran Teaching Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an? If it had been from [any] other than Allah, they would have found within it much contradiction.” (Quran 4:82). The Quran is the most important book for Muslims. Hence, teaching the Quran is a highly recommended profession to pursue.

The Quran is Allah’s Word, wherein He has outlined instructions for mankind. Allah has revealed the Quran as a blessing for humans to simplify their lives. “And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.” (Quran 51:56). In the Quran, Allah has outlined the perfect ways for Muslims to live their lives. He has given commands that Muslims must follow, and made certain actions obligatory, while other things are forbidden.

Thus, knowing the Quran is vital for all believers. They must know how to read and recite. After that, Muslims need to understand the meanings of the Quran. This is essential for Muslims to understand Allah’s message. Some parents may even want to encourage their children to memorize the Holy Book.

Quran Learn online is a popular option nowadays for people who want to teach and study Allah’s word. Online Quran academies have high standards and provide effective learning solutions. Online Quran classes are conducted by experienced teachers, providing scores of Muslims all over the world the opportunity to read, learn, memorize, and understand the Quran.

What is the importance of Quran teachers nowadays?
 Quran teachers nowadays
The simplest reason why Quran teachers are needed en masse nowadays is that Muslims need to learn more about the Quran. Many Muslims, these days, think that having faith and doing good deeds is enough. However, that isn’t what Islam is all about. To be a proper Muslim, you must know about the obligatory deeds and carry them out.

Muslims in communities all over the world today neglect Allah’s teachings. Often, they don’t even know how to read the Quran, let alone understand it. Worst of all, they may be content with their current state. So, the community has largely moved away from the Quran. We also have the phenomenon of misguided Muslims. 

These are the ones who wish to follow Allah’s commands, but they have the wrong sources. These people may get the wrong ideas; as a result, they might take part in acts that have nothing to do with Islam. At worst, they may not know the difference between right and wrong, consequently taking part in things that are haram.

Virtues of Quran teaching
The Prophet (PBUH) said, “The Best amongst you is (he) who learns and teaches the Holy Quran.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

The Prophet (PBUH) defined teaching the Quran as one of the noblest acts in Islam, putting it ahead of major good deeds such as Jihad, etc. So, we can see the immense benefit gained when we engage in this excellent act. 

The process of learning and teaching the Quran is a spiritually uplifting one. This will automatically lift the believer in Allah’s eyes. By teaching the Quran, Muslims are spreading Allah’s word – amongst the finest deeds.

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity, or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him (for the deceased).” (Sahih Muslim)

Teaching the Quran is one of the ways for a person to earn Sadaqah Jaariah. This is a reward that he keeps earning after he has passed away. When the Quran teacher teaches students the Quran, he enables them to act upon it. When the students do that, then the teacher earns a reward. Similarly, students will further spread the Quran and Allah’s word, and each time they do that, the original teacher will also get the blessings.

Learning and teaching Quran online
Online Quran classesThe internet is a popular medium for learning the Quran. There is a wealth of options available when it comes to online Quran academies. These academies are surging in popularity as they offer immense convenience. They have online Quran tutors available from all over the world, catering to students’ time requirements across the globe.

Online Quran classes at the academies are conducted by experienced and skilled teachers. Classes are held one-on-one, so students have a constant source of guidance during the duration of the lesson, rather than needing to be concerned about divided attention. This is also beneficial for teachers as they can focus on a student individually. That allows them to plan appropriately according to the child’s needs.

Most students are children, but Quran learning is not restricted to young people. Sometimes, adults also need to learn the Quran.

Online Quran teaching is a very fulfilling thing to engage in, for a Muslim, as you are spreading Allah’s word. If you are an accomplished and trained Quran tutor, get in touch with us.

For those who wish to learn the Quran, sign up now at Online Quran Academy and avail yourself of a free one-week trial, that will put your mind at ease!
one week Free trial


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