Monday, March 23, 2020

Story of the Prophet Muhammad - The Shab-e-Miraj In the Light of Surah Al Isra

Story of the Prophet Muhammad What do you mean by Miraj?

The one-night ascent of the prophet Muhammad through the seven heavens to the presence of God, following his nocturnal transportation to Jerusalem from Mecca, to which, on the same night, he was then taken back.

What happened on Shab E Meraj?

glorious night
Shab-e-Meraj, (Night of Forgiveness) is a glorious night, marking the Isra and Meraj of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) when he was taken from Makkah to Al-Haram-Al-Sharif (also known as the Temple Mount) and was then taken to heaven.

What does Quran say about Miraj?
Lailat al MirajThis second part of the journey is commonly referred to as the Miraj, an Arabic word meaning “ladder.” The events of Lailat al Miraj are described briefly in chapter 17 of the Quran, which is named “Sura Al-Isra” after the Prophet's ascension to heaven

What do you read on the night of Shab E Meraj?

Shab e miraj nawafils are the best prayers to pray in shab e miraj. As there are no certain prayers for the shab e meraj people pray nawafil as nawafil salat, nawafil roza, nawafil namaz, nawafil fasting etc

What is the importance of Shab E Meraj?

Shab-e-Miraj means the night of Ascent. It is the blessed night when the Holy Prophet of Islam was spiritually transported to heaven and he reached a high stage of nearness to God Almighty which is beyond ordinary human comprehension. The Ascent took place on 27th day or Rajab, 2 years before Hijra.

Why do we celebrate Shab E Meraj in Urdu?

Isra and Mi'raj, also known as Al Isra' wal Miraj, is observed on the 27th day of the month of Rajab, the seventh month in the Islamic calendar. This event marks the night that Allah (God) took Mohammad (also known as Mohamed or Muhammed) on a journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and then to heaven.

What is Shab-e-Miraj and how is it an important day for Muslims?

Meraj was a journey by the Prophet to the heaven. In that night, archangel Gabriel came to the Prophet (s) and brought him a conveyance called Buraq and the Prophet (s) got on and moved toward Jerusalem. At the time of mounting on Buraq, it began to show disobedience and Gabriel hit it and told it, "Be calm o Buraq! Previously no prophet has ever mounted on you and in the future, no one like him would ever ride you." After that hit, Buraq was calm and took him up which was not so high while Gabriel was with him.

What happened on Shab E Meraj?

Meraj was a journey by the Prophet to the heaven. In that night, archangel Gabriel came to the Prophet (s) and brought him a conveyance called Buraq and the Prophet (s) got on and moved toward Jerusalem. At the time of mounting on Buraq, it began to show disobedience and Gabriel hit it and told it, "Be calm o Buraq! Previously no prophet has ever mounted on you and in the future, no one like him would ever ride you." After that hit, Buraq was calm and took him up which was not so high while Gabriel was with him.

Entering al-Aqsa Mosque In the middle of the way, the Prophet (s) stopped in Medina, mosque of Kufa, Tur Sina and Bethlehem which is the birthplace of Prophet Jesus (a) and prayed there. He (s) then entered al-Aqsa Mosque and prayed there too.

Apparently, the Prophet (s) ascended to the skies from the mosque of Qubbat al-Sakhra. The reason for naming it is the existence of a rock inside it from where the Prophet (s) ascended to the skies. In the travel log of Nasir Khusraw, it has been claimed that upon the entrance of the Prophet (s) to the mosque, that rock ascended before him and after his ascent that rock never came back to earth.

What should a Muslim do on Shab-e-Miraj?

Allah says in Quran in surah isra, that he took his Prophet from masjid haram to masjid aqsa then to 7 skies then heaven and hell. all in 1 night and there are many hadees for it proving what all our Dear Prophet has seen that proves it is sunnah you have be awake do tilawah, make dua any zikr, etc.

Leave all others who cannot comtemplate how it is sunnah, it is Allah who is witnessing in Quran (faith in Islam) what more proof this people desire. to be a sunnah.

Every act of Prophet sunnah or not?Think on the whole not just the subject,

Islam never tells you the result is just guides youIf you want to study islam you need to look on the whole,

You believe in hadees where sahabi has conveyed it, what about when Allah conveys it directly, in most highest revelation called Quran (Book of Allah).

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for spreading the knowledge. Now a days people don't remember the significance of this night. As the time as changes, fewer and fewer people are aware and interested to know about our history.

    Keep up the good work!


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