Online Quran Teaching and Its Many Virtues - Quran Recitation and Lessons


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Monday, March 16, 2020

Online Quran Teaching and Its Many Virtues

The Quran is Allah’s word, therefore learning and teaching it are both extremely noble acts. Islam already emphasizes the importance of seeking knowledge. That importance only increases when it’s Allah’s Holy Book in question.

“The believing men and believing women are allies of one another. They enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong…” (Quran 9:71). Enjoining the good and forbidding what is wrong is something that all Muslims should aspire to do. One of the primary ways of doing this is by teaching the Quran. It’s the Quran that has the ultimate guide for all mankind.

The prevalent trend nowadays is an online Quran learn. This consists of taking Quran lessons at an online Quran Academy. This method has enabled the best Quran tutors to teach students far and wide, all over the world.

For Muslim parents, especially in the West, it’s not always easy to find good Quran teachers in person. Therefore, online learning is the best way for them to gain knowledge about the Quran and Islam.

For a teacher of the Quran, there are many advantages and benefits. Here, we will look at some of the most important things that are achieved when one teaches the Quran.

Muslims should aspire to be like the people of knowledge

knowledge of the Quran

The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Do not wish to be like anyone except in two cases. (The first is) A person whom Allah has given wealth, and he spends it righteously; (the second is) the one whom Allah has given wisdom (the Holy Qur'an) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others.” (Sahih al-Bukhari)

This Hadith shows the superior status of those who have knowledge of the Quran. However, the Prophet (PBUH) didn’t stop there. He also emphasized the importance of acting according to that knowledge and teaching it to others. Hence, we can see the high status in Islam for those who educate other Muslims about the Holy Quran.

Teaching the Quran is a very rewarding act

rewards from Allah

The Prophet (PBUH) said, “The best among you (Muslims) are those who learn the Qur'an and teach it.” (Sahih al-Bukhari). Despite the high status of many actions in Islam, such as Jihad, it is teaching the Quran that the Prophet (PBUH) singled out as the best thing for a Muslim to do.

Naturally, as a result of the high status of a Quran teacher the rewards that one gain is also exceptional. Quran teaching should also result in monetary benefits for the teacher so that they can sustain their livelihood. However, it’s the rewards from Allah, and in the Hereafter, that will prove the most beneficial.

Teaching the Quran is a form of Sadaqah Jaariah (continuous charity)

Earning rewards
The Prophet (PBUH) said, “When a man dies, his acts come to an end, but three, recurring charity, or knowledge (by which people) benefit, or a pious son, who prays for him (for the deceased).” (Sahih Muslim)

Thus, Quran teaching is one of the ways for a Muslim to keep earning rewards even after he passes away. We teach the Quran to students who learn it and act upon it as a result. Thus, we get a share of the rewards that they earn. If they teach others and that generation also acts upon what they learn, we get a share of that as well.

As a result, a continuous chain of rewards begins, and we can keep earning blessings and rewards, even when we are no longer able to do anything of our own accord in this world. This is almost akin to a second chance for the believers. Usually, our deeds come to an end when we die. However, this deed continues to benefit us.

What are the duties of a Quran teacher?

Quran teacher’s responsibility

A Quran teacher’s responsibility does not begin and end with helping a student to understand how to read the Quran. A good Quran teacher will focus on other aspects as well to enable his/her student to become a well-rounded Muslim.

The tutor has to make the student understand the immense importance of the Quran. It’s not just a book to learn or memorize, but it is the word of Allah. Therefore, the Quran demands the utmost respect and reverence.

The teacher has to help in the overall development of the student. Thus, it’s not just about educating students about the Quran but also about teaching the related sciences such as Tajweed. Students can additionally be taught the meaning of the Quran. Once they understand its immense virtues, they will begin to ponder over it.

The objectives of a Quran teacher

There are more than 1.5 billion Muslims in the world and the number is increasing every day. However, a lot of Muslims lack the requisite knowledge of the Quran and Islam.

Consequently, it is crucial for the future of Islam, that online Quran teachers impart their knowledge to students all over the world. Online Quran classes are the ultimate way for children to learn the Quran, particularly in Western countries. With more learned Muslims all around the globe, Quran teaching is ultimately a means for us to spread Allah’s word to every corner of the Earth.
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