Tuesday, January 7, 2020

7 Things Every Muslim Should Know About Prophet

7 Things Every Muslim Should Know About Prophet

The life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is undoubtedly the best example of a life a human being could live.

In Sūrah ­al-Ahzāb Qurān says that "indeed there is an excellent example for you in the Prophet of Allah." 

In another verse, Qurān addresses the Prophet that "undoubtedly you are on the great moral character." 

Once Hazrat Ayisha, the mother of Muslims, was asked about the meaning of great moral character attributed to the Prophet, she replied that the Qur'ān is that great moral character.

Studying the Seerah of the Prophet peace be upon him has a number of benefits equally for the Muslims and non-Muslims. These benefits include the knowledge about the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and information about his way of life, good lessons for our life and inspiration for the generations that are to come. The life of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is of great significance the Muslims and non-Muslims alike can be benefited from the teaching that is taken from his life. Particularly there are a number of things about the life of the Prophet that Muslims should know. Therefore, in the following seven things about the Prophet are being explained that Muslims should know. 

Instruction Of  Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)
The first thing Muslims should know about the Prophet peace be upon him is his profession. The Prophet had adopted the profession of a shepherd at an early age. This is because the father of the Prophet had died before his birth and his mother died when he was only 6. The grandfather of the Prophet took the responsibility of the Prophet afterward, and he looked after his grandson until he died when the Prophet was 8 years old. Then his uncle, Abū Tālib started raising him. Owing to the poor financial conditions, the Prophet started working as a shepherd in order to help his uncle meet the financial needs. In the young ages, the Prophet entered into the employment of a wealthy lady of Macca, namely Khadīja bint Khuwailad who later became the first wife of the Prophet and great support to him during his hard days of early Islam. The Prophet would look after the trade business of Hazrat Khadija from Makka to Syria and Yemen. 
Another thing that should be known about the holy Prophet is that he was known to be a man of trustworthiness long before he received revelation from Allah Almighty. Due to his trustworthiness and good character, he was known as Sādiq and Amīn (the man of truth and trust) among the people of Makkah.
Moderation and Social Reforms
Another important thing to know about the life of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is his moderation and social reforms. The Prophet called for a number of social reforms that include gender and racial equality. He ensured that women would be given their due share in the inheritance, and they would have the right to have their say in their marriage. The Prophet also assured the freedom of religion in the state of Madina and encouraged Muslims to have an education.


Forgiveness of the Prophet is another important thing to be known. There are many Ahādīth narrated from him in which he encouraged Muslims to forgive others. He said when a Muslim forgives the person who has done wrong to him, Allah Almighty will raise his status. The Prophet peace be upon him had shown a great example of forgiveness when he pardoned all of the people of Makkah except very few people at the conquest of Makkah. This also shows the importance of forgiveness in Islam.
Condemned Racism
Another significant thing that Muslims should know about Prophet Muhammad is the fact that he condemned racism and tribalism. In his famous last sermon on the mount of Arafāt, the Prophet peace be upon him said that "All the human race is from Adam and Eve. There is neither superiority for an Arab on a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority on an Arab; Also, a there is no superiority for a white man on a black and not black has superiority over a white." In one of the battles when the immigrants and ansār apparently came to a conflicting position, the Prophet disgraced that division and said:
"Leave it as it is fetid." 

Loving Family Man

The Holy Prophet peace be upon him was a loving family man. As reported from Hazrat Ayisha R.A, the Prophet would do the tasks of his households, and he would go out when it was the time for prayer. The Prophet has been reported to say that: 
"The best among you is the person who is kind to his family."
Kindness with Animals
Another important thing about the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is that he was kind enough with animals. There are a number of Ahādīth that show his kindness with the animals. 

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